Money Smart
Money Smart

FDIC Money Smart classes
How Money Smart Are You? is a suite of games and related resources about every day financial topics. It's based on the FDIC's award-winning Money Smart program. You can register online for FDIC Money Smart classes at no cost to you at the government’s website here:
- Click on the ‘Login’ link above.
- Create an account with the FDIC, so you can save your progress. Make sure you login each time you return.
- Play games to earn six Money Smart certificates.
- Print your six certificates, and bring them to a banking center to request an account type change.
Upgrading to a GS Checking account
Certain accounts are eligible to be switched to a GS Checking Account with no overdraft service (i.e. Bounce Protection) once the customer is removed from ChexSystems, the closure has been on ChexSystems for two years, or the following requirements have been met:
- The account has been established and maintained a positive balance for 60 consecutive days prior to the request
- The account must be positive at the time of the request
- The customer must provide proof that all unpaid closures are paid
- The customer must complete six of the FDIC Money Smart online classes.
After the account has been a GS Checking Account for 90 days and is in good standing (i.e. has been a positive balance and deposits match or exceed the Bounce Protection limit), it will be eligible for overdraft service.