Personal and Auto Loan Rates

Loan Rates

 From the small project to the big dream, a loan from Great Southern can help make it happen. Let's get started today and see how we can help.


Please note, incomplete applications are cancelled five business days after initiation for your security.

Please have all required documents on hand before you start an online application.

Loan Type Rate APR
Home Equity Loan1
7.240% 7.708% Apply Near You
Home Equity Line of Credit2
6.50% 6.50% Apply Near You
Homeowners Unsecured Loan3
10.99% 10.99% Apply Near You
Auto Loans4
6.49% 6.49% Apply Near You
Unsecured Loan5
14.99% 14.99% Apply Near You
Boat Loans6
7.99% 7.99% Apply Near You
Personal Line of Credit
13.50% 13.50% Apply Near You
Gator/ATV/Personal Watercraft7
8.99% 8.99% Apply Near You
7.49% 7.49% Apply Near You
7.99% 7.99% Apply Near You
Overdraft Protection
18.00% 18.00% Apply Near You

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Rates are current as of 03/28/2025 at 9:00 AM. The annual percentage rate (APR) is the cost of credit over the term of the loan expressed as an annual rate. The APR shown here is based on the interest rate and an estimated total for points and other finance charges and fees. For specific details please contact your Great Southern Lender.

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1) Home Equity Loan

Subject to credit approval. The annual percentage rate (or APR) is the total annualized cost of your loan. Minimum loan amount is $6,000. Cannot be used in conjunction with any previous offers. $299 third-party fee will be charged at application. If your property is located in MN, you will pay a mortgage tax up to 0.24% of your loan amount. See your loan officer for details. Proof of home owners insurance is required.

For example: a $20,000 loan for 84 months at 5.625% interest, monthly payments would be $288.59. Other home equity loan options are available, contact a Great Southern Residential Lender for more details.

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2) Home Equity Line of Credit

*Subject to credit approval. Minimum credit line is $6000. Introductory rate is an Annual Percentage Rate (APR) of 6.50% for the first 6 months. Introductory rate is available on new home equity lines of credit only with combined loan-to-value ratio (CLTV) of 80% or less.

After the introductory period, the APR is the prime rate quoted in the Money Rate section of the Wall Street Journal (“Wall Street Journal Prime”) plus 0.50%. APR will never be lower than 6.50%, nor exceed 19.50%. The Wall Street Journal Prime on 03/28/2025 at 9:00 AM was 7.50%. Current index (Wall Street Prime) plus margin (0.50%) is 8.00%.

Terms and conditions subject to change without notice and may affect this offer. Cannot be used in conjunction with any previous offers. $299 third-party fee will be charged at application. If your property is located in MN, you will pay a mortgage recording tax up to 0.24% of your credit limit amount. See your loan officer for details. Proof of homeowners insurance is required.

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3) Homeowners Unsecured Loan

4 years of homeownership required, minimum credit score of 740 and payment is auto deducted.

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4) Auto Loans

Rate assumes credit score of 740+, auto is 2023 or newer, financing for 60 months and payment is auto debit.

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5) Unsecured Loan

Maximum term is 36 months and payment is auto debit.

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6) Boat Loan

Rate assumes credit score of 740+, boat is 2023 or newer, financing for 60 months and payment is auto debit.

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7) Gator/ATV/Personal Watercraft

Rate assumes credit score of 740+, Gator/ATV/Personal Watercraft is 2023 or newer, financing for 60 months and payment is auto debit.

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8) Motorcycle

Rate assumes credit score of 740+, motorcycle is 2023 or newer, financing for 60 months and payment is auto debit.

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9) RV/Tractor/Trailer

Rate assumes credit score of 740+, RV, Tractor or trailer is 2023 or newer, financing for 60 months and payment is auto debit.

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